Friday, May 27, 2011

Musée Cluny

Today's Art & Architecture class brought us to the Musée Cluny, which is also known as the National Museum of the Middle Ages. The museum is a former mansion that was originally built for a powerful and wealthy monastic order. Years later, a renewal Adventist bought the mansion and devoted it to displays of French culture from pre-Revolution times.

 Carvings made from alabaster (a substance very easy to handle).

Statues of Kings that once stood in the Notre Dame that were beheaded during the Revolution.

The frigidarium (a cold bath room) that still remains from the Roman baths which once existed there.

Beautiful wooden carving- it shocks me how precise and carefully chiseled the ringlets of hair are.

Gothic-style ceilings in a room which also displayed choir stalls, which provided a very small and discreet seat to rest on after hours of singing for services.

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