Monday, June 13, 2011


I don't have much historical information on Cannes since I went there for my vacation weekend, but I can tell you that it is absolutely beautiful. I'm determined to go back one day, because two days just wasn't enough. The area that I stayed in was a quaint beach town, with plenty of restaurants, gelato shops, and shopping to do. Ten minutes in the direction of the yacht yard, and you'll cross Louis Vuitton, Hermès, Prada, Miu Miu, and a handful of other designer stores that are just slightly out of my price range. The window displays proudly showed off their prices, which caused some of our jaws to drop. Welcome to Cannes!

Some culture shock I got to experience there? Topless beaches. Oh, my. From 13 year-old girls to women in their eighties, the French didn't hold back. The four other girls I went with were just as taken aback, and felt very uncomfortable at first; especially when a very kind, but very naked, 70 year-old women approached us topless and asked us to watch her things as she went for a swim. But she had the right idea- the water was the perfect temperature for cooling off from the heat. Both Saturday and Sunday were in the high 70s, and half of our time was definitely spent in the water to cool down. We took turns jumping off the small dock along the beach, too, much to the amusement of some French vacationers.

There was a bit of a downfall to the trip when my friends' wallet was stolen, but overall, I don't regret any part of the trip. It's a beautiful city with so much to do, and I truly hope it wasn't my first and last time there.

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